How to order ?
by phone, email and of course in our Onlinshop.
Technically, online orders are processed the fastest.
After successful order you will receive an initial confirmation from our online shop.
This is not yet an order confirmation!
You will receive an order confirmation by email after the examination.
This is necessary, as we are discussing possible improvements in the selection of articles
with our customers. In this way, we can ensure that the customer receives high-quality
special parts suitable for his application.
If an item is not available, we will contact you immediately by telephone or email to
discuss the delayed delivery times or to suggest alternative products.
Please understand that we have an approximate delivery time of 14 days for all wheel
sets. We need this time to build up the wheels in the usual quality according to your wishes.
Are you a dealer or manufacturer? Please contact us before any orders. After submitting
the commercial registration and VAT ID, we can offer you attractive conditions.
Your Ginkgo Team